  Metal furniture Works and accessories

Works and accessories

This range of furniture for operation and accessories can be used mainly in the background of manufacturing companies, in laboratories, in the public sector and everywhere where the environment, health and safety are taken into account.

There are products for storing various media, products for changing clothes, first aid kits and cabinets for medicines and drugs, cabinets for computers and production terminals, bins for various waste, key boxes and a wall program. All products in the category are very well and efficiently designed, they are safe, they have quality workmanship and

Works and accessories
Filtering items (total found: 127 items)


1010 x 410 x 420

228,86 EUR


970 x 380 x 335

99,69 EUR


720 x 380 x 335

89,45 EUR

Oil storage cupboard (w/ drip tray racks)


1950 x 1000 x 600

869,02 EUR


900 x 450 x 300

122,20 EUR

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The electronic configurator of professional KOVOS cabinets according to your wishes

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