  Metal furniture Works and accessories Waste containers Double Outdoor Garbage / Waste Bin for general or recycled waste - 2 x 50L
Spare rotary bolt lock
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Double Outdoor Garbage / Waste Bin for general or recycled waste - 2 x 50L


Colour design at standard prices:

Selected color: Světle šedá - RAL 7035
Height 990 mm
Width 750 mm
Depth 380 mm
Při koupi 1 ks 268.75 EUR za ks
Buy at least 2 a více ks 241.88 EUR za ks
Ušetříte 26.87EUR
268,75 EUR
325,18 EUR s DPH
Přidat do poptávky

Closures / Locking

Spare rotary bolt lock

Spare rotary bolt lock

Cylinder lock, 2 keys, 2000 combinations, master key available.

Základní popis ikonaZákladní popis

This double outdoor waste bin comes with the roof and corpus/body painted in the same color. This product is designed for outdoor with 2mm galvanized steel sheet and outdoor facade powder coat paint.

Dveře ikonaDveře

Lockable front door for easy waste handling and removal

Základní popis ikonaVnitřní uspořádání

The basket is equipped with a rod for hanging a plastic bag with a volume of approx. 50L

Další vybavení ikonaDalší vybavení

The top of the waste bin (roof) is suitable for the installation of a vinyl sticker indicating the type of waste. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.


Height: 990 mm
Width: 750 mm
Depth: 380 mm
Weight: 49.5 kg
Objem: 100 l

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